Rick Joyner talks about the transfer of our doctrines from our minds to our hearts. He shares a word that the Lord gave Him for the Heritage property in 1988.
Tom Hardiman shares on the correlation between the current events in our nation and the lives of Joseph and David. He expresses one particular idiom that relates directly to their lives and our...
Rick Joyner shares insight on a prophetic word given to MorningStar by Larry Randoph. He also speaks about the difference between head faith and heart faith...
Rick Joyner points to The Final Quest Trilogy as a road map for the times we’re living in. He shares about the mainstream media bias and the current issues we’re facing of voter fraud.
Rick Joyner reveals new insights from a visitation he calls the best day of his life. In the weeks following fifteen days of face to face encounter with the Lord, he began to experience excruciating...