Going on Offense Tom Hardiman7-5-20Tom Hardiman shares prophetic insight for the times in which we are living.
Now That I Have Your Attention! Tom Hardiman6-28-20Tom Hardiman shares a prophetic message about the reward that is coming to those who have been faithful.
Navigating the Future Part 4 Rick Joyner6-14-20Rick Joyner talks about how, when we are left on our own, we will end up in chaos but when the Lord moves on us, it will bring unbelievable harmony.
Navigating the Future Part III Rick Joyner6-7-20Rick Joyner talks about Pentecost as a seed form of what God is building in His church in our times.
Navigating the Future Part II Rick Joyner5-31-20Rick Joyner shares prophetic insights on change that is coming to Christianity and the church.
Navigating the Future Rick Joyner5-24-20Rick Joyner shares insight on navigating the unique times in which we’re living. He likens them to contractions that will ultimately birth the kingdom.