MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video



"He is not as displeased with our falling as He is pleased with our getting back up and continuing on." Rick Joyner lays out how the process of sanctification is accomplished through love rather than fear.  The bride of Christ should be moving in the opposite direction from the world. The world is getting continually darker, but we are getting closer and closer to the Light.

What is Jesus Doing?


Tom teaches from a passage in Matthew where Jesus spoke that He was building a glorious, victorious church and the gates of hell would not overpower it. There are entrenched spiritual forces in the church, but they will not prevail--according to what Jesus taught. We have the capacity to overcome these spirits of darkness.

Ray Dempsey shares that teamwork isn't always easy, but through Christ we can all work together. Our job is to work together to accomplish the vision God has put before us and to see our team winning.