Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. "Jerry" Boykin speaks on "It's time to stand".
Rick Joyner speaks on "Time for our game face".
Lance Wallnau speaks on "Tag. You're It".
Rick Joyner and Ret. Lt. General Jerry Boykin teach about various principals and strategies of warfare from historic battles. They share on how we as the body of Christ can apply these lessons to our spiritual walk.
Kamal Saleem, Rick Joyner, and General Jerry Boykin - The Arab Spring and Future Mid-East Events: The Arab Spring is not a movement that will result in democracy. Many Arab people want peace, but they are in the minority. The Muslim brotherhood are behind the Arab Spring. They want to control the world before the end of the flow of oil in Saudi Arabia. Boykin believes Iran already has a nuclear warhead, or will have one very soon. A second threat is that Iran has an apocalyptic theology. In 2012, Turkey will move more to becoming an Islamic republic.
Ken Barren – Ken has a powerful testimony of being addicted to drugs, getting kicked out of his family, and eventually getting free from drugs at a Catholic hospital. He shares extraordinary experiences about when he worked with the Reagan Administration, McDonald’s Corporation, and the Billy Graham Association.
In this Featured Video from our recent New Year's Conference, special guest, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin, speaks about the current state of our nation and the great need for the Church to be salt and light during this time. There may still be a period of pain that we have to go through, but America will be restored when the Church wakes up.
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin talks about the Lord, America, and how Christians need to begin to stand for Christ and our country.
In this Featured Teaching Video from the recent Oak Initiative Summit held at Heritage International Ministries in Fort Mill, SC, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin speaks about the dangers of Marxism. Marxism promotes anarchy through the guise of a utopian society. Karl Marx said his objective was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism. When man is left to his own devices, without God, evil will abound. When you get rid of God, you no longer have "unalienable rights".
Taken from a recent Sunday morning service at MorningStar Fellowship Church, General Boykin draws attention to the situation in Egypt, bringing light to the events behind the current upheaval, and illustrating shocking truths about the Muslim brotherhood that are not being covered in the news media.
Click HERE to purchase media from this service.
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin continues his talk about the Lord, America, and how Christians need to begin to stand for Christ and our country.