MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
After a time of prophetic insight from Bob Jones, MaryAnne Hardiman, and Jorge Parrott, Tom Hardiman shares on a new angle about Esau and Jacob. He says we can move in same sort of courage as the saints of God of old.
Dave Yarnes breifly shares the status of MorningStar's tower project.
Tom Hardiman shares in the main message "even though things are hidden, it doesn't change their value." He relates it to when David was anointed king and was hiding from Saul in the cave. He goes onto explain that it really revealed David's heart, which builds the character of his mighty men.
Rick speaks on revelation that he has for the upcoming year, as well as answer many current questions around the body of Christ.
We begin with a heartfelt worship set led by Mark and Sarah Tillman and then a prophetic ten-minute message with Joe Shrewsbury. Our main speaker is Tom Hardiman. He talks about the sanctified holiness in the heart of God is going to be fulfilled in His people.
There are signs on the earth today that are telling us that it's time to turn our hearts back to Jesus. When you are accused by the Devil, make note that you are before God. (Zech. 3) The Devil knows if he can get you out of relationship - he can get the upper hand. But, Jesus is here to transform us - to keep us in relationship. Jesus rebukes the accuser on our behalf.
Dave Yarnes teaches that God is inviting all of us to live an overcoming life. We receive this by faith.
Aliss Cresswell shares faith-filled stories about how the power of God is moving as she ministers in Chester, England. She also leads the congregation in prayer and healing.
Tom feels that we are on a threshold in this ministry to go into our Promised Land. God brought us out of the wilderness to take us there. The Spirit of God wants to remind us of opportunities ahead and pitfalls to avoid. God wants a deeper level of commitment from us to walk in His purposes.