MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video

Our Ephesians 4 Mandate


After worship with Amber and David, Mary-Anne Hardiman teaches on principles of our founding fathers as the ten-minute speaker. Rick addresses marriage and divorce and how it's affecting the body of Christ. He concludes that we need the Holy Spirit to convict us and set us free from strongholds in our lives!

The Judgment of God


Rick Joyner shares about God’s true purpose for judgment.  God’s judgment is motivated by love not revenge, and it based more on the light we’ve rejected than the sin we’ve committed. He challenges Christians to repent and take a stand for righteousness before it’s too late.

Overcoming the Religious Spirit-Part III


Rick reminds us that we constantly battle the religious spirit in our hearts. It is founded on zeal for God that gets self-centered rather than Christ-centered. He gives us several signs of the religious spirit to look for in ourselves.

Rick gives us a practical test to help us see the degree of influence the religious spirit has in our lives.

Rick interviews Craig Palmer about his healing from cancer.