The "As Though" of Worship


Precedents Establish Principles: Psalm 141:2 'Let my prayer be counted as incense before You, the lifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice.' The Psalms were birthed out of circumstances that David was going through. David had a desire and hunger for the presence of God, and he discovered the mystery of worship - that prayer counted as incense is a copy of the real incense being lifted up by the priests. Things take place in worship that we can't understand. It releases a dynamic that can't be released any other way.

When We Pray-It's Time To Say Something


Hombre Liggett: We should be the greatest pursuers of truth. Our constitution was made for a holy and liberated people. We have to be deeply committed to restoring the principles of our founding fathers.

Bishop Joseph Garlington: It's time to get on the ball. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, a lender and not a borrower. We have the power to say something. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Words create worlds and change worlds. We've got to say what we hear (from God), so we can see what we've said. Say back to the Lord what He has said to us.