This episode originally aired in April 2014. Rick Joyner encourages us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts. The greatest treasures of all are emerging.
Al Wood shares a life lesson he learned through sports—the importance of planning. But when something doesn’t go as planned, let it go, and don't dwell on it. If you are constantly thinking about what is behind you, it will keep you from moving into what is ahead.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner shares stories of prophecies fulfilled over the years from some of the great seers of our time such as Bob Jones and Paul Cain. It is important to honor the prophetic fathers of our day.
In Part 2 of this Video Special Bulletin, Rick Joyner speaks about his current strategy for the inevitable economic meltdown. While we have been interceding against these events, they are now inevitable. Many Christians do not want to hear the reality of our current situation and about what is coming, but the only thing that will save us now is true repentance. The spirit of the Antichrist is upon us; are we going to let it thrive here on our watch? We have been called to be the salt and light of the world.
Rick Joyner explains that tyranny can come from the right or from the left. We need to show more respect for one another and listen to one another even if we disagree.
Molly Williams shares parts of her personal story as a worship leader at MorningStar. David Vallier also joins Rick Joyner in discussing his path to leading worship.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner teaches about the house of God. There are gates, windows, and doors in heaven that we are called to access. We can bring back to the earth evidence of heaven. When you access heaven, there is an overflow on the earth. The Lord’s blessings will chase you down!