Rick Joyner talks about the three stages needed when receiving and processing prophetic revelation and how we need those in the body of Christ who have these giftings.
In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner shares about the radical lives of some of the heroes of our faith such as John Huss and John Amos Comenius. These men, among many others, shared in the sufferings of Christ as they pursued the purposes the Lord put in their hearts that transformed the society of their days.
We need to honor mothers and fathers of the church by drinking from the wells they dug. We are entering into the blessing that many paid the price for. We want to see the Lord’s commission fulfilled by making disciples, not merely converts.
Rick shares that the same word for crisis is the same word for opportunity in one Chinese dialect. He also reminds us that James says to count it all joy to encounter trials of all types.
A prophetic perspective is essentially God's perspective—to see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and understand with His heart. When we see The Lord with an unveiled face, we are changed into His image. Rick shares that it is with an unveiled face that we are able to see as He does and become truly prophetic, having His perspective.